After I put up the entry titled
Glory I recived an E-mail asking about how long it took to get
the background black in that imaged.
It turns out that in that particular shot, the background was a
group of dark pines that I was able to select in photoshop and fill
in with ease. That photo modification took less than a minute.
Prompted by the question I thought I might try something new the
other night. I took my tripod outside and figured I would try to
shoot the same flower against the black of night. Since the daisy
is in a 10 inch pot, I can move it where I want, to try and get
the desired effect.
This makes 3 images for this plant, taken on two different spots
of my deck railing.
Illuminated with a 500 watt halogen security light, light was reduced
till the yellow flower produced the orange look.
Same flower, different night, different light.