Visitors - part 2

February 25, 1999

For me, the best part of this story takes place the next day.

Last night the mood was lonely and I wrote about a lonely ride.

The next day the telephone rings in the middle of the afternoon. A 5 foot 10 brown-eyed beauty (Sandra Bullock look-a-like) is on the phone excited.

The 800 number lets her call at her fancy and she needs to share the moment. She was calling from a campus pay phone thousands of miles away.

"DAD, DAD" Hey bean, how ya doin? GREAT, YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT WE DID LAST NIGHT (she and boyfriend)

R and I went out to a big hill off campus and sat and watched the meteors. It was so cool; you could see them change colors as they burned across the sky.

I could hear the thrill in her voice.


I guess it's one of the few things in life I could ask for, to pass on to a child the ability to stop and watch meteors in the night sky.