This first photo is the preface to the second, taken three days later, on Monday, October 28. I knew that the forecast for the Pacific Northwest was for clear skies for the entire time I would be there and this first view from the window of my plane on Friday, October 25 planted the seed in my head that if the opportunity arose, I might be able to get a good shot of Mt. Ranier as the last light of the day fell on it. Although I had my camera with me, by the time I spotted the mountain I had to grab a shot with my cell phone while it was still in view.
Monday morning found us in the Pike Street Market where I came across a photo of Mt. Rainier taken at a similar time, at least relative to the Alpen glow on the mountain. I asked the photographer where he got such a great image and he told me the name of the community. Then he mentioned that the RV park had the best view of the mountain.
After finishing my meetings for the afternoon, we took a trip with a couple of frantic detours around clogged roads arriving just in time to fire off three or four shots in the fading light. Thankfully Google found the RV park and it was right on the main road. It took at least an hour to get there, an then an hour to return, all for just a couple of minutes of shooting.
Then the show was over.
I think the photo was worth the trip.
by David Alan
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