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Category Archives: Wildflowers of the Sandia Mountains

Photos of the day, Saturday April 11, 2014

I went for a different hike today because the tram was closed.  I had hiked up to about 8,800 feet and gone close to 5 miles when I came across a two hikers who had stopped to photograph a flower.  I was glad to see that they had stopped because I might have overlooked it. […]

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Photo of the day, Sunday March 30, 2014

I am pretty sure that I don’t have this flower in my collection.  I found it while going off trail a short ways near 7,600 feet on the whitewash trail.

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Photo of the day, February 17, 2014

Today’s photo of the day holds good news and bad news. The good news is that there are flowers about, and that means that it’s getting warm enough to hike in shorts and a t-shirt. The bad news is that it’s warm enough to hike in shorts and a t-shirt because that means that just […]

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Photos of the day, Saturday 9.22.2013

The mountain has been drenched this summer and especially so these last couple of weeks.  I suspect that it must have rained on it even within the last few days because of all the water pouring off of it today. Flowers are busting out all over the place, especially ones that need lots of water. […]

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Photos of the day, Saturday September 7, 2013

It’s good to be back on the mountain and it rewarded me this morning with an unusual abundance of wildflowers. Although August was dry, it appears that the July rains and the most recent rains have brought out the flowers in mass. I saw a splash of red very early on in my hike and […]

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Photos of the day, Sunday, August 4, 2013

The rains missed us last night and this afternoon but the upper reaches of the trails were still wet.  I took a slightly different route up the mountain today to see if I might find some different flowers and sure enough, I was graced with some beauties. The Starburst lives up to it’s name, especially […]

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Photos of the day, Saturday August 3, 2013

This was only my third climb up the mountain since it reopened and the second attempt to see how my new (to me) camera would perform.  Fortunately we have had plenty of rain these past weeks and the flowers have started to appear again on the mountain. One would think that it is spring again […]

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Photos of the day, Saturday, July 27, 2013

With the second hike in for the new post-drought season, I’ve taken a new camera to the mountain to see if it’s a “keeper” or whether I’ll simply return it to E-Bay from whence it came. Although I didn’t get any time to look at the manual before starting the hike, I have a good […]

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