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Category Archives: Wildflowers

Best of 4/3/2010

I got a reminder in a note tonight that it’s been an even longer time since I’ve made an update here. It’s not for lack of trying.  I actually wrote an entry about skiing in the Sandias in the regular side of this site, and when I did that I had to spend a bunch […]

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Best Flowers of the Weekend

My good friend came out from Michigan and in spite of having to dodge rain from time to time, we got in a whole lotta hiking. Because I had to work on Friday he was able to pick up 3 or 4 more miles than me and I clocked in with 21 miles. We did […]

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Best of today’s climb – Wildflowers

Fabulous day, clear sky, mild temps, hiking without having to carry tons of extra clothes, just in case… And the pink from two weeks ago, today has turned white. While along the deep forested trail sunlight singles out the wildflowers against the dark backdrop of the woods. I was hiking with the guy who I […]

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