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Photo of the day 10.3.2010

These images come from what will probably be the last storm of  2010.  Actually, there were several storms that moved from west to east across the Rio Grande valley.  I ended up running from balcony to balcony trying to get the best shots.  This first series was taken facing south.  It is always the most difficult, first because it’s quite obstructed with houses, and second there is a streetlight right off the edge of the balcony.

This first set was taken just before I was chased off the porch due to the driving rain.

Changing to the north facing balcony you can see the wide open spaces and the clear view that I have when the storms cooperate and  move in over the mountain from the west.  This was the best shot of the night and I also think one of the best of the season.

What’s going on here is the time exposure caught two separate strikes, the first was the air to air strike moving from west to east covering a distance of what looks like at least four to five miles.  The second strike is the air to ground which is at least a mile long (cloud base is at least a mile above the valley) and looks to be somewhere around five to 7 miles away.


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