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Photos of the day, Tuesday June 5, 2012 – Venus Traverse

And I hate to say here we go again – but for a guy who is known for photos of wildflowers and lightning, this series of solar and lunar events may seem a bit out of character.  But, hey, you take what you get when you can get it.

First photo of the evening – I’ve got about another hour before the sun sets, and just before sunset is the best chance of viewing the  Venus traverse.



Looks like I’m having a bit more success, able to sharpen the image with the filter of positive film over the lens.

Larger image here.

As the sun sets, it should get easier, and I’ll remove the polarizing filter and stop using the film to cover the lens.

Sun went behind a cloud for a couple of minutes giving me this shot next.



Venus and the sun set over Albuquerque.

Larger image here.


June 9, 2012 - 3:46 pm aA - great pics!i saw some pics on net from the event, venus was a little bit larger. maybe different point of not so good of this kind of things. last image remind me about your last comment to another sky-moon-sunset, that one with shark :))

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