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Photos of the day, Saturday 7.28.2012

Took the morning off from hiking today and by the time the afternoon rolled around we headed on up to Santa Fe to attend the “Spanish Market” which supposedly draws some 70,000 people a year to view the various wares.

I took pictures of other stuff.

This was growing like a weed on a street corner, but the light was right and the blue New Mexico sky did not disappoint.  It’s a bit difficult to get a good flower image when the wind is whipping a long stalk around and around.  I did the best I could with a high shutter speed.

In a section of the grounds of one of the churches there is a garden with the stations of the cross.  The artist who did these pieces is Gib Singleton whose works you can google.  I grabbed a couple of images in the late afternoon light.

This was only one of two or three of the 12 statutes that had full sun.

Seeing how this poster was about to come down at the close of the exhibit, I thought it would be nice to remember it here.


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